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Thursday 17 April 2014

Easter Greetings

 My Beloved Sisters in the Lord

As we approach this Easter weekend may we reflect on the reason why Jesus was crucified. His mission was to save us from our sin and to destroy the works of the devil in our lives (1 John 3:8).

In Luke 4:18 Jesus states that He came to set the captives free and to heal the broken-hearted. He also came to restore sight to our spiritual blindness. He came to reconcile us to God and to one another. He made a way for us to relate to God as our Father and to secure us an eternal home in heaven. He came to remove the wall of separation that was between us and God and between us and one another. He came that we may have abundant life and that our lives would be transformed to His nature and character. He came that we may be made whole in every area of our lives.

I pray that we may examine our hearts, and by His grace, get rid of all that which pollutes us, that we may rededicate our lives to daily walking with Him. May our hearts be wholly given to Him. As we have been forgiven let us also take time to forgive those who have hurt us. May the Lord heal our hearts and may we not be blinded by the enemy. Jesus rose again and that's our blessed hope. May the resurrection power of Christ empower us to walk in victory daily. May we be an army of powerful women advancing the Kingdom of God through our faith and good works. Lets share the gospel with those still in darkness and may our lives be lived to honour and glorify our precious Lord and Saviour who gave His life for us.

You are so valuable and precious to God and Jesus came to rewrite the story of your life. Your life counts and you matter to God.

May all that which Easter represents manifest in your lives. Abundant grace and mercy be multiplied to you.

Much much love and Easter blessings.

Your sister in the Lord,
Pastor Fatima

Wednesday 9 April 2014


Dear Precious Ladies

How have you been in this brand new month that the Lord has given us. We have already spent the first ten days, wow!

Thank you very much to all those who prayed for our conference. We had an amazing time in the presence of the Lord and with one another. A sweet loving atmosphere prevailed throughout the conference. We heard powerful testimonies from various women who have been through tough situations in life and yet with God's help they have made it and are still standing. Testimonies ranged from surviving gross domestic violence, healing and restoration after being abandoned by parents and left to the mercy of an orphanage, choosing to keep on living after being cheated by spouses who left for other women, to doing missionary work among refugees in war ton nations. We also had an opportunity to interview different authors to hear the heart behind their books. We were greatly inspired and impacted by these ladies.

Our theme was BLESSED based on the words spoken by Mary in Luke 1:47-48 “…and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed…”

The visitation of the Lord in Mary's life changed her status from being of a low estate to a blessed estate. We learnt that Mary's natural background and surroundings in Nazareth did not promise her such generational blessings but because she believed the word of the Lord and chose that her life was to be according to the word of the Lord, her life was turned around completely and up to now we are talking about her. We also learnt that Mary was devoted and pure. She was humble and discreet hence knew who to confide matters of her heart with. We also saw how Mary was a woman of worship. She burst into song magnifying the Lord for the future she had not yet seen. She proclaimed what the future generations would call her. Here we learnt the value of how we perceive ourselves to be and what we say about ourselves and others. Mary carried Jesus in her womb and we carry Jesus in our hearts. Our lives must reflect the Saviour we are carrying. The blessing that Mary carried benefitted the world so the blessings we receive from the Lord must benefit our world.

Meanings of the word blessed were discussed these are: set apart, privileged, favoured, selected, sanctified, dedicated, fortunate, satisfied, rewarded, joyful and anointed. This is God's plan for our lives. He wants us to live in the blessed zone. We learnt that the opposite of the word blessed included such words as: cursed, depressed, miserable, doomed, rejected, damned, unsuccessful, condemned, unholy and disapproved. This is not God's plan for us. We examined our lives to see where we needed to change. When Mary said from now on… she was making a statement of change and progressing from one status to another. We prayed as we crossed over from an ordinary life to a blessed life. Women crossed over from bitterness to joy from unforgiveness to forgiveness. From all sorts of complexes to a healthy self-esteem. Women were delivered from years of different types of bondage to freedom in God. It was an amazing conference indeed and truly from now on generations will call us blessed. I thought I should share with you a few insights from the conference.

On a celebratory note magnify the Lord with me.

My third book entitled YOUR PATH IS BECOMING BRIGHTER is out!!!

It will be on Amazon soon. Those of you in the UK can place orders via email and we will process promptly.

Keep moving forward in this month of April for you are Blessed.

Much love

Pastor Fatima Sibanda